

Renouncer got tired of renunciation and fasting, supererogatory prayer as such Hoo

Ardent lovers immersed with secret in Oneness of Allah’s love Hoo

Bee is captive in honey with falcons how would it fly above Hoo

Those in the company of Prophet  ‘Bahoo’ with such favour are delighted as much Hoo

Commentary by M. A. Khan

Ascetics (zahid)  are striving in supererogatory prayers and other rituals without ardent love. With ardent love they immerse in secret of Allah’s Oneness. Their actions are for love and not for deeds. Those who are captive within their five senses and they are unable to perceive beyond. The term royal falcon is used for Arifs (Gnostics). Those Gnostics who are in the venerated congregation of our beloved Prophet  are delighted at this favour. Such favour is their pride and joy.