

Deep shadows are of Honourable Sustainer unaware regarding the realities impact Hoo

Tasted the wheat grain and ended up with primordial noose round the neck in fact Hoo

Within the trap I flutter like bulbul without spring garden Hoo

Remove other than Allah from your heart ‘Bahoo’ and have faith in Divine grace harden Hoo

Commentary by M. A. Khan

Human being is the concealed shadow and secret of Allah Almighty and regarding the actual reality prior to that is not known. When Allah Almighty was alone without creation. Tasted the grain due to temptation and that was predestined fate I acknowledged. My spirit is caged in this body and it is fluttering like bulbul that misses the spring meadows. Spirit misses her abode in the closeness of Allah Almighty. O ‘Bahoo’ remove all other than Allah Almighty and rely upon the mercy of Allah Almighty.