
تن من یار میں شہر بنایا دل وچ خاص محلہ ھُو
آن الف دل وسوں کیتی میری ہوئی خوب تسلّہ ھُو
سب کچھ مینوں پیا سنیوطے جو بولے ماسواللہ ھُو
درد منداں ایہہ رمز پچھاتی باھُوؒ بے درداں سر کھلّہ ھُو


I have made my body and being as city, and particular suburb in the heart Hoo

Satisfaction I have attained when in heart Allah dwelled, Hoo

I am hearing everything but all besides Allah speaking expelled Hoo

Compassionates had understood the hint ‘Bahoo’ but unsympathetic have humiliation on their head upheld Hoo


Commentary by M. A. Khan

I have made my body and soul as welcome city and turned my heart as actual neighborhood for my beloved

When Allah dwells in my heart then I will be attain contentment. I am listening to everything but I am not saying anything besides Allah.

Those who are compassionate in love understand this hint and there is humiliation for those who are unconcerned heedless regarding the love.