

Ardent lover are never relieved from the secret of beloved Hoo

Sleep forbidden upon those who practice Divine name of Allah Hoo

Never take a respite for a moment, and remain lamenting in longing pain day and night Hoo

Those who have read Alif correctly ‘Bahoo’ their fate great and upright Hoo

Commentary by M. A. Khan

Ardent lovers remain absorbed in the secrets of beloved Allah Almighty and they are never free from it. Those whom initiate contemplation of Ism-e-Allah zaat they remain restless and they are unable to sleep due to the influence of Ism-e-Allah zaat. They remain in yearning and don’t get any respite from such deep feelings all the while. Those whom had attained the recognition (marifat) of letter of Alif they are fortunate and they have adopted the correct approach.