Ardent lover roam in absorption in the ardent love of beloved Hoo
Remain alive in both worlds those who given their soul in life to beloved Hoo
Why should they kindle lamp in whose heart light is bright Hoo
Beyond reach of Intellect and thought ‘Bahoo’ annihilate intellects flight Hoo
Commentary by M. A. Khan
Ardent lovers remain content in state of absorption in ardent love of Allah Almighty because they have perfected their true ardent love of the beloved. They get life of this world and the hereafter by surrendering their life in favour of their beloved Allah Almighty and so they acquire eternal life. Those whom have their heart glowing with Divine illumination don’t have the need to kindle the lamp of desire. The path of ardent love is beyond the reach of intellect and imaginations therefore annihilate the physical reasoning in order to access the true Divine essence.