Intellectual Dimensions of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo
Author: Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali
Numerous people came in this world, performed extra-ordinary deeds for the welfare of humanity. After passing away, they were remembered for their noble acts. Nonetheless, there are a few who did such reformative actions in religious, social, literary and political spheres, whose influence would remain untarnished forever. They are in fact sent for the guidance of human beings, for the inculcation and development of moral conduct and character of human beings, for the promotion of tolerance, respect for humanity, social justice and equality. These personalities, because of their intellectual and spiritual might and impact, purified manifested as well as inner selves of people and guided them in all spheres of life. One such figure is Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hadrat Sultan Bahoo (1629-1691). He, through his teachings and conduct, guided people towards recognition of one s self as well as Divine Unison with the Creator. The MUSLIM Institute in collaboration with the IRD organised a seminar titled Intellectual Dimensions of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo and Global Peace on Tuesday May 07, 2013 at Iqbal Hall, International Islamic University, Faisal Mosque Campus, Islamabad. This Seminar is an academic contribution in the present era, when the global world particularly Muslim community is facing challenges of religious dissension and intolerance. One of the major concerns for the Muslim world is growing tensions and conflicts between different schools of thought and sects. At a time when the Muslim Ummah needs to stand together in solidarity to face different internal and external challenges, this intra-faith discord is most unfortunate. The seminar aimed at highlighting the Sufi teachings, thoughts and intellectual dimensions of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo, and also the role he played in guiding people from materialism to spiritual ascension, from worldly joys to inner contentment and also in making man aware of one s real status. The seminar was held in two sessions in which eminent scholars and literary figures shared their views and presented their papers on the subject. This book is compilation of essays and statements presented in aforementioned seminar.