Sultan Bahoo Spiritual Masters

By surrendering laughter, you have taken lamentation who has given you reassurance Hoo

Life of a person is spent same as caster sugar puff in water Hoo

They will toss you in tight space where unable to turn side in that state Hoo

Honourable will demand accountability from you ‘Bahoo’ no less rati or masha in weight Hoo

Sultan Bahoo
Spiritual Masters

Murshid is a Spiritual Master who has perfected the discipline of the spiritual order and he is instructed from the assembly of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to carry out passing teachings and instructions in the capacity of a Spiritual Master. There are 5 levels of Murshid, namely: Kamil, Mukamil, Akmal, Jamea and Noor-ul-Huda.

Hazrat Sultan Bahoo's Spiritual Master lineage goes back all the way to the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ