Sultan Bahoo Spiritual Masters

My self perished when He showed Himself to me - Hoo,

(I felt) There was no nearness, no meeting, no goal and there was neither body nor soul - Hoo,

Neither there was affection nor inspiration, nor the existence of the universe - Hoo,

I was transformed into Absolute Reality Bahoo, that is the secret of pure Essence - Hoo.

Sultan Bahoo
Spiritual Masters

Murshid is a Spiritual Master who has perfected the discipline of the spiritual order and he is instructed from the assembly of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to carry out passing teachings and instructions in the capacity of a Spiritual Master. There are 5 levels of Murshid, namely: Kamil, Mukamil, Akmal, Jamea and Noor-ul-Huda.

Hazrat Sultan Bahoo's Spiritual Master lineage goes back all the way to the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ